drove on redwood rd up to skyline then back... felt nice and refreshing, cleared my mind.
japan is only about one month away! i need to figure out what to bring and prepare for the job. before going... i still need to head down to point lobos for a photo adventure sometime and of course, 99 bottles one more time :)
thanks solomon again for the contest opportunity! i think im gonna go to hawaii with the prize money... livin large! well maybe ill just use it for gas money...
been slacking on the 356 project... that was short lived. been storming these last few days, also been getting fat since its impossible to run in this kind of weather.
one year ago... 1.18.09 the street fighter reunion ha ha.
just finished up school not too long ago, heading overseas to japan in about two months. i can hardly wait! ill be staying in iruma, around the saitama area. it is about an hour away from tokyo. heard theres going to be a costco in iruma... wholesale boxes of flavored kitkats, excited. other than that ive had a fantastic start of a new year minus being fat. the next two months are sure going to be hectic.
lately ive been craving some dim sum and loco moco. i wish i could stop over at hawaii and get some loco moco before heading off to japan. legit...
in other news, bought a canon s90 since im too lazy to lug around my 5d all day. i guess the 5d is sorta like a weekend warrior now. so far im loving it. i hope to update frequently with my 365 project on here as well. since im a few days behind, ill start with yesterday's picture, 8/365:
"8/365 - quick, that way!"
my first shots of the year... how'd you guess they would be of sunsets?